My dear blog serves as an archive for my work.Please go to my instagram page for up to date images.

My photo
I am an artist living and working in the West of Ireland. I make drawings,clothes,ZINES and artists books,short films and beloved objects. I have a stall at the Saturday Galway Market (from early february approx through till the last saturday before christmas) ...... if you would like to contact me further please email queenjaneosullivan (at)gmail(dot)com Thanks for visiting !

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

alls well ......I see SO much love and so much amazingness at times in this world of ours it makes me sleepy with excitement !

* detail of will not violets spring from her heart ...... this was in my solo show last year , I only photographed it recently its still with me if you would like to have it with you please get in touch and send me lots of pennies !

*  lovely japanese girl bought one of my alchemy cardigans , she was so happy !

* cream alchemy cardigan gone to michigan u.s.a.

* happy livingstone daisies in my sky

* my studio (see photo on the left ) well thats one of the upcoming collaborative drawings I did with the dear cendrine rovini and we will be revealing the whole series SOON !!!

oh how I love katys photograph dove girl also julia selins drawings also tim walkers photography


Anonymous said...

hi jane it was a light meditation on cameos

Jane O Sullivan said...

ok lucy , I will email you soon soon . thank you !